Bitcoin Cash Markets

Stay updated with the latest insights on Bitcoin Cash (BCH) — explore pricing, market dynamics, stats, and recent news.

About Bitcoin Cash

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is the upgraded version of Bitcoin. Bitcoin Cash addresses scalability issues and continues with the original idea of a peer-to-peer digital cash system that is decentralized and does not rely on third-parties. It aims to be global money with fast, secure payments, micro-fees, privacy layers, high transaction capacity, bigger blocks, while keeping the original attributes of Bitcoin like 21M coins and proof-of-work ... keep reading. | |
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Bitcoin Cash Resources

Bitcoin Cash Stats

Market Cap ($USD): 7,261,592,018
Avg Transaction Fee ($USD): 0.0081
Peer Transactions (24 Hrs): 14,239
Circulating Supply: 19,738,424
Current Block Height: 856300
Avg Block Time (24 Hrs): 9m 36s
Full Node Count: 585
Blockchain Size (GB): 204.66
Mining Algorithm: SHA-256 (PoW)

Sentiment: Bullish 🔥📈

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Note: The information provided on this page regarding Bitcoin Cash (BCH) markets, pricing, and related news is sourced from Trading View, Blockchair, and Google News. Please be aware that clicking on news links may redirect you to external websites operated by third parties. The prices presented here is intended solely for informational purposes and are subject to change without notice and should not be construed as financial advice. We do not endorse or assume responsibility for the content, accuracy, or your use of the information provided.