Bitcoin (BTC) Halving Countdown


What is a Bitcoin block halving?

Every 210,000 blocks or approximately every four years, the Bitcoin network undergoes a process called halving. This means that the amount of Bitcoin that miners receive for validating transactions is reduced by 50%. The next halving is scheduled for block height 1050000. The current block reward is 3.125 BTC, but after the next halving, it will be 1.5625 BTC. This reduces the inflation rate of Bitcoin and ensures that its total supply will never exceed 21 million coins. The halving is a regular and predictable event that is embedded in the Bitcoin protocol.

Why does the Bitcoin halving happen?

Unlike fiat currencies that can be inflated by governments or banks, Bitcoin has a fixed supply of 21 million BTC. As the demand for Bitcoin grows and the supply remains constant, its value will rise. The purpose of the halving is to control the supply of new Bitcoin entering the market and to increase its scarcity and value.

How is this done in the Bitcoin protocol?

The Bitcoin halving is done technically by adjusting the difficulty of the cryptographic lottery that miners need to solve to create new blocks. The difficulty is recalculated every 2016 blocks, or about every two weeks, based on the average time it took to mine the previous 2016 blocks. The target time for each block is 10 minutes, so if the average time is faster than that, the difficulty increases, and if it is slower, the difficulty decreases. This ensures that the rate of block creation remains consistent and predictable, regardless of the number of miners or the computing power they use. The halving is triggered when the total number of blocks mined reaches a multiple of 210,000. This is hardcoded in the Bitcoin protocol. The halving reduces the block reward by 50%, which means that miners will receive less Bitcoin for each block they produce going forward. This also affects the inflation rate of Bitcoin, as the supply of new coins entering the market will decrease over time. This is also another reason why more adoption and more users is important, as in the future miners will need more transactions and fees to be incentivized to continue mining.

Bitcoin Halvings

Block Height Mining Date Block Reward (BTC) Closing Price (USD)
0 January 3, 2009 50 $0.00
210000 November 28, 2012 25 $12.07
420000 July 9, 2016 12.5 $648.81
630000 May 11, 2020 6.25 $8,821.42
840000 April 20, 2024 3.125 $63,971.00
1050000 April 2028 1.5625 $---,---.--

How does the Bitcoin halving countdown clock work?

The countdown clock calculates the time left using a formula based on known factors like the 210,000 block halving rule and blocks found on average every 10 minutes. This is the formula:

Blocks left until halving = 210,000 - (Current block height mod 210,000)
Estimated halving date = Current date and time + (Blocks left until halving x 10 minutes)

This is a close estimate and unfortunately not 100% accurate since not all Bitcoin blocks are found exactly in 10 minute intervals due to the time in between difficulty adjustments, although it's very close since the average block is around 10 minutes. All times in the countdown clock are UTC.

How can I learn more about Bitcoin (BTC)?

You can read the Bitcoin FAQ and learn how it works and find helpful explanations and information.